To focus specifically on repatriation and those types of things, we know that anything is possible. We have repatriated throughout Canada and across borders without policy and law. We have also achieved that work because of policy and law. It really depends on how it works best for us, and it has taken some really committed advocacy and sharing of the Haida world view.
Ultimately, we found that our progress and our successes are based on relationships, so it's really hard for me as well to say whether policy is beneficial or not. If it's broader, and as Shauna said, if it's not so prescriptive but is supportive of museums, and in our case, supportive of and guiding the work with indigenous people, that is very important. It would take incredible amounts of consultation, and again, supporting the national museums and indigenous issues council to really decide what might be most effective, not only for indigenous people but for Canada in general.