In 2009, we developed a business plan, which I am following, even though the money is still not forthcoming. Nothing has changed, and the vision has remained the same. We want to continue doing what we are already doing, despite the lack of funding. I'm talking about things like social reintegration and workshops in seniors residences. I cannot imagine creating a museum that people do not feel belongs to them. It is public first, and everything else after. We have to think about sustainability. Work must be done to create that link, and we are putting the public at the heart of the institution.
The funding will not be used to build facilities. Yes, we have a building project. That said, we purchases 16,000 square feet of land, and we have no mortgage because people managed to pay it in cash.
That charge-taking must come from the public. Funding is not the only thing that matters, although it does matter for hiring professionals or setting up leadership training programs for women to help them reach decision-making positions. Since 2008, we have already been doing everything I just talked about, without the funds needed. We visit seniors residences. The majority of seniors who participate in our activities are women.