I would say that the greatest risk is really the disappearance of reliable news and that it affects all parts of the country. Every time a radio station, a local newspaper or journalistic activities disappear, it represents a risk to democracy.
The other risk are social harms originating on social networks, Facebook and others. Despite their good intentions, they do not really regulate what happens on their networks. The federal government is not the only one with a responsibility in this regard. The provinces can also take action. In Quebec, there is talk of establishing regulations or legislation to this effect.
There's also misinformation. We had never even heard of the term “fake news” a few years ago. It is now a huge danger, however. Indeed, anything can be said about anyone. In addition, there is the phenomenon of amplification. The digital world, the social networks, are amplifiers. There have always been people who lied or slandered, but with national and international amplifiers, they begin to pose an extremely serious threat.