It's more a procedural question, I guess, for us to think about for all substantive motions going forward. I don't know if there's even a “pin screen” function that we can start developing on Zoom, where we can have the wording up and look at it, like a “share screen” kind of function.
In theory, I don't necessarily have a problem with the motion that's been proposed. Having just heard it, I'm not sure I have focused on all the words that were said. It's just that this is a substantive motion. I'm not protesting anything about the motion; I'm just wondering if there is a way for us to be able to actually read it.
I suspect there would be some crossover if I had conversations with other members of the committee. There might be crossover in interests on some of these motions. Other people might have other words they would want to toss in or amend.