We recommend an explicit reference to language minority communities in section 3, which lists the objectives of the act. Our proposal stems directly from recommendation 53 in the Yale report, which seeks to update the set of objectives arising from the act and to make an explicit reference to OLMCs. I'm saying “explicit reference” because, according to a fairly simple principle, if you aren't identified, you don't really exist.
The legislator's intent in this regard must be clarified. To this end, we'll be proposing a very clear amendment that refers to us, so that there's no hiding behind the words “ethnocultural backgrounds”, which are currently in the bill. This is really about giving special consideration to language communities.
As I said earlier, this legislation is important to us. It allows for cultural sovereignty and the development of French-language culture across the country. This aspect is particularly important for our groups. This legislation is important for the survival of the language and cultural identity across the country.