Well, let me just deal with your shock and awe for just a moment. Let me consider what you just put forward.
Does anybody else have a comment on this? This is just my initial reaction to what I'm looking at right now. I will take that under advisement, and I will read this once again. As you know, I got this during committee hearings. Unless anybody else has a comment, I'm going to take a few moments to read this again. Thank you.
Mr. Housefather, here's the predicament we're in. The motion that was put forward by Ms. McPherson has been amended per se. If you look at the original motion, after the word “that”, it takes on a completely different form. At first blush, I have to look at this and say that it has been substantially changed, enough that you need to seek unanimous consent.
I understand what you're saying about the language of a person involved and just a date. To me, these don't seem like substantive matters. I know that.
Mr. Rayes, I will let you proceed.