Thank you for your question, Mr. Champoux.
I'll answer in English.
I do believe we can be internationally competitive. We can create Quebec stars; we can create Canadian stars. I believe inside the Quebec marketplace there is the opportunity to have incentives and some regulation to require strong French-language original programming.
We need to have a level playing field to do so. A level playing field isn't just about taxing or putting program requirements onto the foreign Internet broadcasters at the same level that we have; it's about removing some of the anti-competitive regulations that are now on Canadian companies, some of those that tie our hands in terms of the kinds of programming that we can make and how we can sell it around the world.
We need to not only have a level playing field in terms of how much we have to invest in Canadian programming, but a level playing field in terms of the kinds of programming that we want to make our investments in so that it can attract audiences best domestically and attract buyers best internationally.