Well, I think the amendments we're offering—I'm not going to go over them—do provide some opportunities to do that. I also think that having American production companies here, as Wendy has pointed out, and the training that we receive and the experience that our people receive just result in even better products from Canadians. These things are not mutually exclusive. You don't have to say one and not the other. You just have to make sure that there's a level playing field, that people are treated the same and all of their experiences are noted when policy is made.
Like I said in my comments, this isn't the case of just massaging regulations. It's a case of saying, and not being embarrassed about saying, “We're here with this act to make sure that Canadian culture is there, front and centre, and it's there all the time—our stories, our folks, our performers, our producers.”
You know, they get it in Quebec. I just hope the rest of the country can pick it up from there, too.