Good. So have I.
Anyway, I want to refer back to Wendy and John. I use this phrase: It's not mutually exclusive. Helping one does not take away from the other. We need to take advantage of the fact that we can enhance our own folks with our own talent.
We're worried that the regulations will be lowered to the lowest common denominator, that we need to say they can do this, but if they want to get these benefits, they have to use Canadians and use them all the way through. The market is going to look after a lot of it. You have to sell it whether it's Canadian or not. However, we believe, just as we do with so many regulations in this country, that Canadians must be put forward and Canadians must be part of it. Our amendment should ensure that all aspects consider Canadians, and not just the regular ones. We know that in other jurisdictions, like Latin America, the Disney Channel, for example, is obligated to have local content.
To us, this is not detrimental; it is promotional. We need to continually promote and support it.