Welcome, everyone, to the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage. Pursuant to the order of reference of Tuesday, February 16, we are now studying Bill C-10, an act to amend the Broadcasting Act and to make related and consequential amendments to other acts.
I'd like to remind everyone that we are still in a hybrid format. We are all online, by the looks of things, with the exception of me. I would remind all of you that you are not allowed to take pictures or snaps of the screen for distribution. Thank you so much.
Now, this is the part where I normally say welcome to the committee, but today, I have to say welcome back. As you know, we were waylaid in the last meeting we had, so we're holding this over because we missed out the last time.
So here we are and we start again with our first three witnesses as we did last time. From the Alliance des producteurs francophones du Canada, we have Carol Ann Pilon, who is the executive director. From the Canadian Association of Broadcasters, we have Kevin Desjardins, who is the president. From the Independent Broadcasters Group, we have Joel Fortune, who is the legal counsel, and Monsieur Luc Perreault, strategic adviser. Thank you so much again.
As you know, we do the five-minute introductions, as before, except that this time we'll actually get to questions.
We're going to start off with Madame Pilon.
Ms. Pilon, you have the floor for five minutes.