This is why we are gravely concerned with the proposed wording in proposed paragraph 3(1)(f) of the bill. It would remove the requirement that:
(f) each broadcasting undertaking shall make maximum use, and in no case less than predominant use, of Canadian creative and other resources in the creation and presentation of programming....
This change would significantly reduce the requirement to use Canadian creative talent and would devastate our screen-based media production sector. This is an industry that contributes $12.8 billion to our country's GDP and generates 180,000-plus jobs for hard-working Canadians. For me and my fellow ACTRA members, who are already precarious workers, this could lead to a loss of work opportunities for Canadian performers. It is fundamental that we retain the principle of “maximum but not less than predominant use” of Canadian creative and other resources as it applies to Canadian programming.
Paragraph 3(1)(f) should read as follows: “each broadcasting undertaking shall make maximum use, and in no case less than predominant use, of Canadian creative and other resources in the creation and presentation of Canadian programming, and shall contribute significantly to the creation and presentation of Canadian programming to the extent that is appropriate for the nature of the undertaking”.
Our proposal acknowledges the essential role for Canadian creators and retains the concept of “to the extent that is appropriate for the nature of the undertaking”, recognizing that all online services will be contributing to the creation of Canadian content.
In closing, we would again like to thank you for the opportunity to appear today. We would also like to stress the importance of amending the bill in its current form so that it can be implemented as soon as possible.
We look forward to answering your questions.