Thanks, David.
We think it's absolutely crucial to maintain the principle of “maximum [but not] less than predominant use, of Canadian creative and other resources”. In our view, the language presently contained in Bill C-10 is simply too weak. In the long term, it will only result in the degradation of truly Canadian content in the system.
Our proposed language—which we understand is also supported by the Writers Guild of Canada, the Directors Guild of Canada and the Canadian Media Producers Association—ensures that Canadian programming in the system will make maximum but not less than predominant use of Canadian creative and other resources.
For everything that's not Canadian, the regulator can discuss a lighter standard, but it's important that Bill C-10 hold a hard line with respect to the Canadian content produced by traditional or online undertakings. That standard should be the same as it has been for the last 30 years, which is maximum but not less than predominant use. That's the standard we hold to.