I know that you've helped the print media sector a great deal. These media outlets have received a significant amount of assistance. We know that they were already going through a fairly major crisis even before the pandemic. Regional media outlets in particular are dealing with the reality of advertising. This is obviously a major crisis. Local businesses can barely afford to buy advertising anymore, since many businesses are closed.
Last year, it was pointed out that the government invested almost $52 million in digital advertising directly, or almost directly, through the GAFA group. This put small regional media outlets at a disadvantage. At the end of the day, the outlets were left with nothing but crumbs. You clearly wanted to review these practices.
During the pandemic crisis, have you had time to make some adjustments and to ensure that government advertising is placed more directly in regional media outlets, especially on their digital platforms, to prevent the web giants from becoming richer at the expense of our local media?