Proposed section 2.1 was confirmed by this committee in the bill, and it specifically excludes user-generated content.
When we got to clause 3, the Conservatives had in fact proposed an amendment that would have included social media web giants within the modernization of the Broadcasting Act. That was amendment CPC-5, I believe.
Then we moved on. Proposed section 4.1 was removed, and we have been very clear that when social media web giants are acting as broadcasters, they ought to be treated as a broadcasters. There shouldn't be a free pass for social media web giants.
I have been very clear, when I have been talking about how we're proceeding through this bill, that we move clause by clause, because we're moving sequentially through the bill, but ultimately the bill must be considered in its entirety and, as we move through the different sections, we need to be talking about what the different sections entail.
We are now in the order-making section of the act, the CRTC order-making powers. What this amendment that I am moving does is it shows clearly that the CRTC's order-making powers would be restricted to when we're talking about social media web giants that are acting as broadcasters. The powers would be restricted, as set out in this amendment, to the expenditure obligations that had been put forward in amendment BQ-21, the financial information being provided by the web giants and discoverability of Canadian creators' programs. That is how that fits into the picture.
It doesn't replace something earlier in the act. It is part of the review of the bill in its entirety when we're looking at the order-making powers. It just helps to clarify those as part of a full act.
As we go, all of the parties have proposed amendments and will continue to add more so that we will have a fulsome bill once we have completed our clause-by-clause, which I am so happy we are finally at that point of being able to do.
Thank you.