Okay, then I'll be as quick as I can be.
What I like about this is I'm hearing a lot of agreeing and I'm hearing a lot of people coming up with solutions, and that's great. It's a demonstration of us all trying to move forward here.
I think it is important to have Dr. Geist. He's the research chair on Internet and e-commerce. He's an expert. I think we all agree that this is important for the cultural sectors in our country. We absolutely all agree there, but I think we would also all agree that we don't want to do anything that might have the potential or the opportunity to infringe upon freedom of expression, and that's why we need to take this pause. It's to make sure our charter statement is correct and to hear from a non-partisan expert who seems to have distaste for Conservatives as much as anything else, so that's probably positive for everybody at the committee. I think that pausing our clause-by-clause consideration puts the fire to the feet of the ministers. It's important for them as well, so they'll get here as quickly as possible and we can keep moving.
I think this is a reasonable compromise that demonstrates that we're happy to keep moving as well, but we want to hear from the ministers and we want to hear from Dr. Geist, and until we do, we won't continue, because we want to make sure that we're not infringing in any way whatsoever on Canadians' freedom of expression.
Thank you, Mr. Chair.