Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I have to agree. I'm deeply disappointed that the minister isn't here to join us. The reason for that disappointment is that his not being here does not comply with the motion. This motion was brought forward at the beginning of this week. It was important for us to stop the filibustering and the logjam that had happened within this committee; it was a way we had all worked together to try to move forward on this legislation.
Without the minister's coming, the potential for us to fall back into that logjam, to fall back into a position in which none of the work that needs to happen gets done at this committee, is enormous.
I think it's vitally important that he come. I strongly support making sure that the minister comes and shares his perspective with us and lets us ask him questions, so that as parliamentarians we can do the work that our constituents and Canadians have tasked us with.
Thank you.