Thank you, Mr. Shields.
I don't think we need to wonder whether undertakings may dislike the act. The question instead is how do we legislate and enforce the regulations we make.
We establish requirements under the act and hope the CRTC enforces those regulations. We also have to give the CRTC the tools it needs to verify properly whether the regulations are being enforced. We've previously adopted amendments requiring that online undertakings promote Canadian programming. So we need to create tools that enable the CRTC to do the necessary verifications.
Will online undertakings willingly provide access to their algorithms and books? We can definitely assume they won't be happy about it. However, they do business within a Canadian regulatory framework, and it's up to us to establish that framework.
Will undertakings be willing to show us the resources they use to comply with the regulations we make? It will probably be up to someone else to manage that. The potential reaction of the undertakings we want to include in our regulatory framework shouldn't be a factor preventing us from regulating them as we see fit.