Mr. Ripley, I want to thank you very much for that.
I wanted to put the cards on the table on exactly what we're doing here. I want to continue further if you will indulge me for just a moment.
What this amendment does is that it adds a condition that the commission may impose by orders. It adds that the CBC shall provide information demonstrating that the corporation, the CBC/Radio-Canada, has met public service criteria set out in proposed subsection 46(6) of the act, which is in CPC-12.
Let me go back to what was mentioned earlier. Of course, yes, they tie in to each other: CPC-9, CPC-10 and CPC-12, which would be proposed later. In other words, we're getting into the main part of it. Yes, it was mentioned earlier that CPC-12 is the main instigator. That is true.
Right now what I'm dealing with is CPC-9, which is a part of that, and my ruling will encompass all three: CPC-9, CPC-10 and CPC-12.
If you look on page 770 of this.... You have my apologies for using a prop, but this, of course, is the House of Commons Procedure and Practice. Page 770 states quite simply that we cannot go beyond the principle and the scope of the bill, because we've already voted yes at second reading.
Therefore, it is my ruling that this particular amendment does go beyond the scope and principle of the bill regarding the corporation.
Once again, I'd like to remind everyone, if you'd turn to look at your hymn books once more, you'll see that this is a ruling on CPC-9, which is inadmissible. This also applies to CPC-10 and also CPC-12, which go beyond the principle and the scope of the bill.
I see a lot of hands up. Unfortunately, I can't go into a debate on that. However, there is one option that you have. Is everyone okay with that? All right.
If you look at your song sheets, we would normally go on to BQ-24, but because BQ-1 was carried some time ago, BQ-1 also applied to BQ-24. Therefore, that brings us to BQ-25.
On BQ-25, we have Monsieur Champoux, please.