Thank you.
In the spirit of wanting to move things along quickly, I'll try to be concise. The majority of the committee agreed to the removal of proposed section 4.1. That was the decision of the majority of the committee, not just one party here. That was part of a package that included the addition of amendment G-11.1, which restricted the powers of the CRTC and obligations for social media companies. That was a restriction for social media companies to be required to report only their Canadian revenues, to contribute a portion of those Canadian revenues towards the creation of cultural productions and to make Canadian creators discoverable.
We have to look at the bill, as we're going through it, as a whole package, and not section by section. Yes, there was a removal of one section, and then through amendment, an addition of another, which completed that picture. With that, it makes little sense now to go back and start adding other pieces, in particular this amendment. It will in fact only complicate things, given the bill as it has come together, with the majority of the members of this committee agreeing on it, by adding G-11.1 in.
I will be opposing the addition of this Conservative amendment. It doesn't fit within the bill as it has come together and as it has been thought out, debated and discussed by all of the parties here at committee. Once again, the consideration is really not just about the removal of one section in one part, but about the amendments that have been made since that point. I will leave it.
I see there are other people who are interested in speaking to this matter, so I will pass it along. Thank you.