From what I understand of how social media algorithms are supposed to work—and I know there are others calling for greater algorithmic transparency in general, which there are obviously pros and cons for—essentially they are reinforcing things that people seem to like by giving them more things they want.
You're not going to see much Canadian content if you're not clicking on, watching and paying attention to Canadian content. If I start watching Schitt's Creek clips on my Facebook, then it will offer me more of those clips to view. The implication, though, of the regulatory direction here is that I might not be selecting those clips and still have those clips continually offered to me. The government might require Facebook to offer me clips that don't conform to my past patterns of use based on some criteria they establish. That's, I guess, what's meant by it. Maybe you could clarify that point.
Also, I want you to just clarify the impact that this amendment in particular around users could have on those requirements as they pertain to my use of Facebook.