Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I would like to put a question to Mr. Landon to get an idea of universities' point of view.
Mr. Landon, we have not had the pleasure of meeting over the past few months, and I am concerned about the role of universities. For me, they don't have the same role as for-profit companies. They are institutions that disseminate knowledge, and shape the leaders of tomorrow and good citizens. In that sense, I feel that their role must focus much more on moral than on legal aspects.
You have often mentioned that you respect the law in how you manage copyright. I subscribe to all sorts of online music providers, including Apple Music, Spotify and Tidal, and I pay for the content I listen to on those platforms. However, I cannot justify paying for those subscriptions to enable me to illegally download content on other platforms.
When you say that you are already paying several million dollars in copyright fees, I get the impression that you are providing justifications. It is as if you were saying that, because you are already paying millions of dollars in copyright fees, it's not a big deal to make copies of work that is the property of writers and authors. I am somewhat under the impression that you are justifying yourself in what you are saying.
I would like you to elaborate on this, Mr. Landon, as it has left me with a bad taste in my mouth.