To some extent, Mr. Landon's comments reflect the other side of the situation you mentioned. However, it's important to point out that [Technical difficulty—Editor] facts are misunderstood on both sides.
For example, Mr. Landon talked about the hundreds of millions of dollars universities already pay in copyright royalties. Right now, we are trying to figure out who isn't paying, not who is. We are worried about works being used under the guise of fair dealing in situations where the courts have determined that fair dealing does not apply.
It is important to understand that we have no issues with those who pay. We are talking about those who do not pay, about works being copied without creators being compensated. That is really the issue. It's also important to understand that those who pay publishers and authors, and those who copy works without paying royalties are not the same people.
They aren't at all the same people, so they shouldn't be confused.