In the Northwest Territories, there are 40,000 people, and we split about a third of a million square miles. Originally we were one and a half million square miles, and then we divided and created Nunavut.
The country is diverse, and we operate on a consensus system. Most elected leaders know what it takes to reach an agreement. That gives us a good footing to accommodate each other's interests and show the kind of respect and dialogue that it takes to make this a home for everybody.
In the north here, one of the things we do, for instance, is we orient teachers. Every fall new teachers come into the north. Before they disperse into the communities, they spend at least two days getting oriented. I'm one of the speakers who gets invited to speak to them about who I am, where my people are, some of the history I have and my experiences in residential school.
They then go into the communities already knowing a little bit about the history we have had, and it changes everything about what we do. Then they are truly interested in learning more.
The curriculum right now is being changed to add many more videos, books and testimonials from residential school survivors.