Yes, that is also an avenue that could be explored and that could easily be studied. It's somewhat like the system we thought about at the outset.
I will also say that we must not throw the baby out with the bath water. Some things in the CRB program, which was somewhat modelled on the employment insurance system, are commendable and very helpful. However, employment insurance works on the basis of income that is regular and consistent. That's what it does best.
With the CRB, they should try to tailor it a little better to the varying incomes of self-employed workers. If they were able to do that, we would end up with something good. We are not here to tell you that there's nothing good in the program. On the contrary, it has something in it that we have never seen before, and you have our sincere thanks for that.
I am just pointing out an imbalance in the CRB program. For example, if I earned $17,000 or $27,000 in 2019, I would be penalized, whereas, in theory, an income of $38,000 would let me get more money. The balance has to be reestablished. The guaranteed income that you are talking about does that.