Okay, Mr. Muir. Sorry about that.
Madame Bessette, according to the clock, you could be the last person. However, because of the technical difficulties that we have, I'm going to take it upon myself to stretch it a little bit, so here's what I'd like to do.
Madame Bessette, I'll give you your five minutes. However, after that I'm going to ask Ms. McPherson and Monsieur Champoux if they would like to have quick questions, maybe for clarification. I'm not going to give them a set amount of time. I'm just going to allow them a couple of questions, otherwise we would go too long.
Could I get the blessing of the committee to do that? I know I'm going beyond the scope here of what I normally do, but I just wanted to get that in, given the technical difficulties that we have.
Mrs. Bessette, you have the floor for five minutes.