Thank you.
I'll answer the member by first providing a bit of context on these statistics. The labour force survey provides information on employed people. To be deemed employed, whether you are on payroll or you are self-employed, if you worked any number of hours during the reporting period, you count as employed. Our sector is one in which there are many freelance workers, so what you're actually seeing is a more positive outlook on reality by virtue of the fact that we have many self-employed workers who would have been deemed employed just because they worked a few hours during the reporting period.
In terms of labour, one of the big problems is that we are facing a significant exodus of the the workforce to other parts of the economy. When the activities finally resume, arts organizations will have to rehire; they will have to train their staff. Therefore, this is an opportunity to do things differently. The kinds of skills that will be required in 2021 and beyond are arguably different kinds of skills from those that were needed even 10 years ago. In terms of professional development training that can be provided to staff and entry-level training, this is an opportunity to provide new digital skills to our staff, but also to ensure that as we rehire, equity principles are observed. It's an opportunity to make this workforce more representative of the makeup of the Canadian population.