I met with McMaster University's student newspaper recently, The Silhouette, and they told me that they're really struggling, because without being able to share on Facebook and Instagram they don't have a way to reach their audience, the students of McMaster University. They're finding that, in lieu of getting news sources, the students are reading various opinions that are posted online.
I do agree that there are lots of great news organizations that operate only online. If people take my previous comments to mean otherwise, then that's just because they were inelegantly stated. Of course there are great online journalists, but there's also a proliferation of opinion that's not based on news or fact.
What do you think about those tactics that pull in an organization that doesn't even fall under Bill C-18. Student journalists wouldn't benefit from Bill C-18, yet they're being caught in this intimidation tactic.
I'll go to Mr. Ahmed first.