You reference the anti-Semitic killings at the Tree of Life. I'll reference the Islamophobic killings in London, Ontario, and Quebec City; the homophobic killings in Colorado Springs; and the racist killings in Buffalo, New York, and Charleston, South Carolina. We can go on and on. I note that, in 2022, every single ideologically motivated mass murder in North America was provoked by far-right terrorism. That is a clear and present danger to our democracy.
The Anti-Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center have started their “Stop Hate For Profit”, which comes from Meta's unbelievably irresponsible actions.
I would like to ask you a question, Mr. Ahmed. Canada subsidizes Meta and Google indirectly by providing massive subsidies—over $1 billion a year for businesses to advertise on Meta. It's a tax write-off. The Canadian taxpayer picks up the tab for Meta and Google. Do you believe this is a responsible action, to so heavily subsidize companies that are engaged in that deliberate fomentation of hate?
To what extent can we push back against anti-Semitism and Islamophobia by ending that massive subsidy to these companies?