Thank you, Dr. Geist.
I want to follow up on something else you said, and it's somewhat related.
We know that the big broadcasters—Rogers, Bell and CBC—have a lot to gain from Bill C-18, potentially. However, we also know that the new up-and-coming platforms that are based online, which Ms. Hepfner referred to as not actual news outlets—and I would contend otherwise as I believe they're legitimate—are actually being hurt significantly by this legislation. To the point you raised in your opening remarks, many of them have made the determination to not hire more employees, because they know they might be put out of business, potentially, by this legislation.
In your estimation.... It's not fair to ask why. I'm sorry. I can't ask you to speculate, but I'm just curious. Could you expand a bit? Bill C-18 was put out by the minister at the time, Minister Rodriguez, as something that was meant to benefit the little guy. It was meant to benefit the local newspapers, the ethnic media, the local media sources, etc. Many of these exist online.
Why did it end up in a place where it is benefiting the big broadcasters?