Good morning.
I call this meeting to order.
Welcome to meeting number 102 of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage.
I want to acknowledge that this meeting is taking place on the unceded territory of the Algonquin Anishinabe people.
Today's meeting is taking place in a hybrid format, pursuant to the Standing Orders. Members are in person and the others are on the screen.
The thing to remember is that you're not allowed to take photographs of the screen or anything. You can get it later on online.
While public health authorities have said we don't have to wear masks, I'm going to wear one, and I hope you will all do so for your own protection and that of the people near you. There you go. I've made my point.
I want to take this opportunity to remind everyone that you speak through the chair.
Remember that the audio system is powerful. In order to spare the ears of the interpreters from damage, please make sure that your phones or other devices are not standing next to your microphone. Turn your microphone off—mute yourselves—when you're not speaking. Just before you speak, remember that sometimes an open mic as you hang up can make a lot of noise as well in the ears of the interpreters. Be aware of that.
This morning we're having a briefing with the Minister of Canadian Heritage, the Honourable Pascale St-Onge, on her mandate.
Welcome, Minister.
You have a point of order, Kevin.