Thank you to all the witnesses for attending. They have added some very interesting perspectives to our study.
I'd like to start with Ms. Kotsis.
I want to thank Unifor for its defence of journalists and workers in the media sector.
I note that the Unifor survey that came out last year found that “60.6% of [journalists] had been harassed in the field [and] 69% experienced anxiety as a result of their work.” It goes on to say, “The Unifor survey found much of the abuse contained racist and misogynist attacks, including threats of violence against the journalists and their families.”
You've noted in your brief to this committee about big tech “allowing for the proliferation of toxic and hate-filled harassment and abuse on their platforms”. I note that far-right politicians have been attacking professional, fact-based journalists. You noted in your presentation that we need to “stand up to bullies”.
How should the federal government be acting to stand up to bullies so that fact-based journalists can actually operate in our country without the threats and intimidation that they are getting online and from the far right?