Respectfully, I think we precisely don't know where we're going. That is why government should be cautious about intervening in the market in favour of one particular content format or business model or approach to journalism. This process is uncertain.
I couldn't begin to tell you what future sustainable journalistic business models will look like. I think everyone from The Globe and Mail to The Hub, and virtually everyone in between, is trying to figure that out, through a combination of subscribers, sometimes venture capital and, in our case, philanthropy.
I ultimately have more confidence, I think, in markets. If there's a critical mass of Canadians who want their news produced and provided to them in a traditional physical newspaper, then I have confidence that entrepreneurs of some sort are going to seize that market opportunity.
I guess it's a long way of saying that precisely because this process is creative and uncertain, I would caution policy-makers not to intervene and preclude it from playing itself out.