I would just say two things in response, Madam Chair.
First of all, I'm slightly more optimistic that the industry is transforming itself in a way that connects it more closely to its audience. I think that extends from smaller organizations like The Hub to some of the major legacy players, which may have moved only slowly in this direction but are now moving in it. I think it's a healthy one. A connection between journalism and audience is fundamental to the future of the industry.
The second thing is, in terms of different financial models, I think there are extraordinary opportunities to build value for readers, listeners and so on and to start restoring the expectation that news is something people ought to pay for. Another witness observed earlier that one challenge the sector has faced is that, about 20 years ago or so, it put its content online, mostly for free. That socialized, as you say, a generation of readers and listeners to think news was valueless. I think the way to solve that, and we're seeing this play out in Canada and in the United States, from legacy players to smaller players, is to start restoring that relationship with the audience and to create the conditions for people to, once again, pay for news. I think that's a healthy development.
Ultimately, it seems to me that the role of public policy is to support that process, rather than to shape it in a direction such that, as I said earlier, we can't possibly know where it's going to end up and what types of models are ultimately going to be successful.