I can assure you all that the decision wasn't made lightly. It was made after a massive individual consultation on my part with sport organizations, survivors, athlete groups, athletes, people from within sport, experts from outside of sport, the Canadian Women's Foundation and the Canadian Centre for Child Protection. I was asking for desired outcomes and really getting a handle on principles that they wanted to see reflected in the terms of reference for whatever mechanism we put in place. What became very clear was that it had to be trauma-informed, victim-centred, human rights-respecting and forward-looking.
After taking in all of that input, we researched the different models out there and fell on three that I particularly leaned into, which were the Dubin inquiry, Roy Romanow's inquiry into the future of health and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Looking at a public inquiry model is, I believe, counter to the trauma-informed, victim-focused, victim-centred aspects of the principles we were trying to move forward with.