Thank you.
Mr. Palmer, according to what you said earlier in your presentation, Canada is too small to impose its legislation in the face of these giants. I'm paraphrasing a little, and you can correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe you meant to say that we can't overflex our muscles with these companies, because there could be consequences. For example, they could simply stop offering their services on Canadian soil, which I highly doubt they will do.
I do, however, hear your comment that we are too small to play hardball with these large companies. Nevertheless, I think we still have to find a way to be “maîtres chez nous” or masters in our own home, to translate a good old expression we Quebecers are fond of.
How far do you think we can go to get respect from the companies that come to do business with us? Do you think it's normal to regulate at full capacity companies that come to dominate a market like news and culture in Quebec and Canada?