Well, it's a number of factors, and I thank you for that question.
One is, most of the people, and certainly all of the people at this table, are here because of public service. Most of us left private media to come and work at the public broadcaster because we care deeply—and we care deeply, by the way, about our employees. Part of it is we're here for the mission. I think if you asked any CBCer and any Radio-Canadien, they'll say the same thing: “I care deeply about the mission.”
You also have to understand that we operate in a competitive business marketplace. Even here in Ottawa, people can get other jobs, so if we're not at least—and this is what we peg—at 50% of what the average compensation might be, we're not going to retain the talent. We've seen that in the past. We have retention issues when we don't pay competitively. We do exit surveys, and the number two reason for people leaving CBC/Radio-Canada.... Number one is “I got a new opportunity” and number two is that the salary is not competitive.