I'm sorry. I apologize for cutting you off, but the time is so limited. It's a challenge for us here in committee.
I understand that, and it does sound reasonable from a perspective when you may be making a certain amount at the lower end. Would you maybe consider those who are above the $200,000 mark? Would you consider maybe recommending a change in structure?
I know, for example, that at the top tier you can get a bonus of, I think it's 28%, at about $120,000. Would you consider maybe looking at those who make over $200,000 and setting a tone that Canadians could look at and say, “You know what? We agree with that; that's a reasonable approach”? Would you consider, as a CEO, going back to the board of directors and saying, “Maybe we should consider a shift this year while things are not as good as they possibly could be”?