Yes, certainly. I see my students every week and we discuss these issues. They are of their generation, they are looking to the future, and they have all sorts of reasons to be optimistic and interested in the transformations of the digital media environment.
Obviously, they are worried about job prospects, because, as I was saying earlier, even paid internships are getting harder to find, particularly outside urban centres. We know that a lot of media need young workers, they are looking for people, but they are not able to pay them.
Students are passionate. I think Mr. Fortin and Ms. Lindgren would agree with me that students give us a lot of hope for the future, because they are in that universe. They have all sorts of creative solutions for doing journalism on the new platforms, for example, and working with these young people gives us a lot of energy. We have to listen to them; we have to give them a role. They may not know how important their role is. We have to listen to them, certainly.