There are measures that depend more on regulation in Europe, in particular, in other contexts that you are certainly familiar with. In those cases, they tend more to address the role of the major platforms, rather than trying to legislate in a specific way. Germany, for example, orders that content be removed. However, we can see that there are all sorts of problems associated with enforcing those laws. Just like for the platforms' moderation policies, there is always the risk of doing too much and censoring legitimate, useful content, or of acting once the harm is done.
I think we have a problem that we cannot solve in a debate like this. There is a more fundamental problem of trust and ecosystem. I quite like Ms. Lindgren's idea that people have a directory of sources in their community. It is not a matter of just saying that if you want information, there are these sources, and assume that people are aware of them. The idea is to support sources that are doing rigorous and complete work, whether in journalism or other types of information. I think we need to be open to a variety of scenarios like this.