I call this meeting to order.
Welcome to meeting No. 110 of the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage.
I would like to acknowledge that this meeting is taking place on the unceded traditional territory of the Algonquin Anishinabe people.
The meeting today is, of course, in a hybrid format. We have a lot of people appearing virtually. I want to remind you of some rules we follow when we have virtual meetings.
Pursuant to the Standing Orders, one thing I'm going to ask you to do is not take photographs of the meeting, please. Screenshots and photos are not permitted, but you can get them online later on after the meeting.
As to public health authorities, for those of you not wearing masks, we are not mandated to wear them, but some of us should wear them in order to not get the flu and the new COVID virus.
Just to remind those of you online and in the room, we have powerful microphones. If you have any devices sitting in front of them, they can give feedback. That can hurt the ears of the interpreters, so be careful about those things. When you are speaking, please address your questions and responses through the chair.
That's about it. I don't think there's anything else I wanted to say.
Today is our first meeting on the study of the national forum on the media.
Thank you, Mr. Champoux, for this study.
We have, virtually, April Lindgren, professor, Toronto Metropolitan University, and Jen Gerson, co-founder of The Line and independent journalist.
From Centre d'études sur les médias, we have Colette Brin, professor, department of information and communication at Université Laval.
We have Jaky Fortin, assistant director of studies and student life, École supérieure en Art et technologie des médias du Cégep de Jonquière.
We have Annick Forest with us from the Canadian Media Guild.
You all have five minutes to present. I will give you a 30-second shout to tell you when you only have 30 seconds left. Remember, if you don't finish everything you want to say, you can elaborate on it when you get questions. Don't be worried if you don't finish in five minutes.
I will begin with Ms. Gardner's opening statement.
You have five minutes, please.