That's based on the outlet making sure that it's presenting the right information. It doesn't matter which medium you're on. You're going to have talking heads and you're going to have reporters. You're going to have opinion pieces and op-eds, and you're going to have factual reports. That's always going to be the case.
I want to address one thing really quickly. When we are talking about placing funds for digital transformation, newspapers, for a long time, had to decide whether to go digital, and a lot of companies decided to maintain what they were doing. That was their choice. What it did allow, though, was room for opportunity for new innovators to come in, for entrepreneurs to step into that field and fill those gaps. I think that's amazing.
In terms of any funds that are being discussed and explored, if there is going to be a portion that goes to digital transformation, I want to see newspapers sustained and I want to see legacy outlets that have been here for 40, 50 or 60 years remain today because there is trusted value in them. However, we should also make sure there's room and there's money attached for people who took a risk so they can continue to grow, because people who take a risk shouldn't be hindered.