Thank you, Chair.
Mr. McKinnon, thank you so much for coming and being willing to speak with us about your bill. I look forward to discussing it in just a moment. However, before I dive into that, I wish to give notice of a motion for the committee's consideration.
At this point in time, I will invite the clerk to distribute it so that everyone has access to it in writing. Bear in mind, of course, that I am giving notice of this motion.
The motion I wish to give notice of reads, “Given that, according to a National Post article published on April 17, a York University faculty committee has presented a list of anti-Semitic recommendations that include labelling the support of Israel as 'anti-Palestinian racism', classifying anyone who supports Israel as 'anti-Palestinian, Islamophobic and anti-Arab', granting academic freedom and free speech to pro-Palestinian students while revoking these same rights from Jewish students and anyone supportive of Israel, and identifying Zionism as 'a settler colonial project and ethno-religious ideology' that should be isolated and destroyed, and given that the Government of Canada has committed to the Canada anti-racism strategy; and that the Minister of Canadian Heritage is responsible for 'fostering and promoting Canadian identity and values, cultural development, and heritage', and that the 2024 Canadian universities anti-Semitism report highlights the serious problems that our universities have with anti-Semitism, anti-Zionism and anti-Jewish hate, the committee unequivocally condemn the anti-Semitic conduct of this faculty committee at York University and report this to the House.”
Chair, I have given notice of this motion, but I believe it is so important. I would imagine that all around this table agree that anti-Semitism is wrong and that this type of vile conduct should be condemned in the most serious terms.
Given that we should share this commonality, I seek unanimous consent to consider this motion moved and adopted.