Yes, just quickly, if we're going to throw words around—and I am certainly not here for any of this—the word “venom”.... Quite honestly, this committee is quite something.
What I would say as the person who initially brought up this point of order is that this option was not made known to those of us who also didn't get to fully hear from our witnesses—recognizing that we have proportional time, obviously, given party status—and so while I appreciate that you're using your slot, my concern is that we also didn't hear from our witnesses—and in the case of the NDP, our main witness—fully as a result of the time change, which obviously impacts your witness. I stand by my concern and appreciate that you're using your slot again.
I certainly would appreciate that we not use words like “venom” to characterize legitimate points of order that people raise. My goodness, I believe we're above that.