Thank you.
Minister St-Onge, the committee has heard from Ms. Tait of the CBC/Radio-Canada a number of times over the last few months as a result of job cuts at the CBC.
While I'm sure many of my Conservative colleagues are thrilled about this, it's the actions of my Liberal colleagues that concern me. I don't understand how, on one hand, Liberals can talk about how much they support the CBC/Radio-Canada but on the other hand cut 3.3% across the board, which, Ms. Tait said, led directly to job cuts that left CBC/Radio-Canada with a smaller workforce than it had when Stephen Harper left office.
If a future Conservative government wants a model for how to destroy good journalism in this country, they don't need to look further than the Liberal government's record. We are still seeing the impacts of those cuts, despite commitments in the previous budget.
Do you, as Minister of Heritage and as a key part of this government, feel responsible for those job cuts at the CBC?