That's perfect. Awesome. Where we left off last day, I understand, was with a subamendment to amendment G-2 having been moved to replace lines 26 to 28 in clause 3. I believe I already read it into the record, but, again, we would insert “and financial performance of the program, as well as a list of all the cases that received funding and the amount provided for each case”. It would end there, and that, of course, would be inserted into amendment G-2 as amended.
The reason for this is that we want a list of all cases, to create greater accountability and transparency, and we want to know the amount of money provided to each of those cases, also to provide greater accountability and transparency. These were things that numerous witnesses called for around the court challenges program. They wanted to see a greater degree of accountability being achieved and wanted to see greater transparency with the Canadian public in terms of how tax dollars are used with regard to funding cases or not funding cases. Of course there are others that are “ixnayed”, so I would be seeking the support of committee members in order to make sure that this is accomplished.