I am delighted about my colleague Mr. Noormohamed's question. If the Liberals found such a simple-minded question to counter this bill, I feel reassured. It means that there are not many arguments against it and that their position can only be ideological. If I had been a witness who was unfamiliar with this committee, I would never have dared to give that kind of an answer to a colleague.
In response to his question, I would say that it happens all the time. It's the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission Act. The act includes ways in which the CRTC must behave in applying the act, in studies and in its decisions. Asking it to consult Quebec is not telling it what to put in the decision. That is not at all the purpose of this bill.
Its purpose is rather to ensure that when the CRTC receives a new regulation to be introduced, such as a new directive from the government or the House of Commons, and it notices that it would have an impact on broadcasting, it would notify Quebec, the provinces and the francophone communities outside of Quebec that something new is coming. The CRTC could then ask them for their comments. That's it. It's nothing more than that, and it's not binding.
It's not giving Quebec power to influence CRTC decisions, but giving Quebec, and the other provinces that wish to have it, the opportunity to comment upon the final wording of this bill, to report on their expectations or concerns to the CRTC, just as an organization would do in its brief during a future study of the issue.
That would enable Quebec, owing to its cultural distinctiveness and the sensitivity shown repeatedly by successive Quebec governments, to tell the CRTC that it can do something, but that Quebec has some concerns to which it would like to draw the CRTC's attention. It's as simple as that. There's nothing more binding than that. Nothing that gives Quebec any power. It's just a way of doing things more straightforwardly with the Quebec nation, in a better informed and more elegant manner.