Our organization, as I have mentioned, has been operating cybertip.ca for a long time. We are very steeped in technology. Our technological team is very sophisticated in terms of ensuring that the work that we do is done in the most efficient way and that we're not overexposing our staff to things that they don't need to be exposed to.
We leverage technology in a lot of different ways through Project Arachnid. It took a lot of time to develop that system. It's been tweaked over the last several years. It's gotten better and better at doing what it's doing.
What we have now is a very robust source of data that can be relied upon not just by companies but also by governments and other actors. There's a lot of known material out there that human beings have already laid eyes on. It's already classified, and that material can come off of the Internet. However, we need to start using those tools in ways that make sense, instead of overexposing victims to having their imagery repeatedly looked at by different moderators in different countries that have fewer robust safeguards than we have in institutions like our own and in policing, which does this work on a daily basis.