Mr. Gonez, I can appreciate the challenges you faced. You highlighted that it is certainly not a level playing field. The current government is claiming that with Bill C-11 they're going to level the playing field, but under this bill they'll be requiring people such as you, digital-first creators, to contribute to the art fund. Right now under the CRTC, that requirement is 30% of revenue right off the top. That's not 30% of profit; that's 30% of revenue.
They're saying that a measure like this will help to level the playing field, but they haven't clearly said that in the same way you pay into it, you'll be able to pull out of it. Under the current terms, there's actually no allowance for that. So they're happy to take your money, but they won't be happy to give any of it back in the form of grants.
I'm just wondering how something like this might hinder you as a digital-first creator.