It's important to recognize that, as a government, we have been very deliberate in making a choice to be inclusive. We have been very deliberate in reducing systemic barriers and supporting communities on the ground, and making sure that the plan we have put forward has a whole-of-government approach.
We know there's no one single solution to combatting hate. We need to work with partners on the ground to make sure that communities have the supports they need. At the same time, we need to work alongside StatsCan to make sure that we're collecting disaggregated data and we need to make sure that our institutional readiness is available for our police forces.
That's the work that's happening on the ground and those are the supports for victims and survivors. This is a whole-of-government approach that we have put forward to support Canadians.
It's important to recognize that it's been an extremely difficult time for many Canadians. As Canadians, we have a responsibility to work alongside communities, to bring people together, to really hone in on the values I know we're all so proud of as Canadians—unity and compassion—and to make sure that we're supporting communities on the ground.