Here's what I'm thinking.
Those bonuses are going to be tied into your exit package in January, when you leave. It just seems natural to me. Your fiscal year-end is March. You haven't received your package. I suspect that in the previous five years, you got a bonus performance pay package. You haven't received one for 2022-23, 2023-24 and probably 2025 up to January, when you leave.
My worry is that we're not going to be able to scrutinize this because you're going to leave. Mr. Goldbloom and his board are going to recommend a bonus package for two and a half years and we won't get a shot at having you come back here in 2025 to talk about it. That's why Canadians are upset about the bonus package.
Let me give you a few examples, because I did a survey of my own. I know it's not Toronto and it may not be Vancouver and it may not be Montreal, but my constituent said that $1.4 billion a year and bonuses of $18.4 million are insanity. That came from Elaine.
Carol said she refuses to listen to or watch CBC News anymore. You know the metrics in Saskatchewan. Nobody watches or listens to the CBC.
Don said that it's totally unfair to taxpayers and hungry folks in our country.
Trevor said that nobody he knows watches or trusts the CBC anymore.
Rita said that it's a waste of taxpayers' money to fund bonuses for the executives.
Rose said that there should be a complete overhaul of the CEO and management.
Joanne said that the CBC has been a huge waste of taxpayers' money and to defund it as soon as possible.
Dan, a lifelong listener, said that the CBC has lost its way.
We had hundreds of responses from little old Saskatoon and 86% said to make major changes to the corporation or defund it entirely. That's 86% out of Saskatoon.
What do you say about those numbers?